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We build and accompany implementations

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L’hyperactivité devient contreproductive.


Changer son rapport au temps permet d’éviter de sur-réagir, de sur-engager, de sur-… Les bons objectifs sont ambitieux, mais ils ne sont pas irréalistes et même passer encore plus de temps ne permet pas souvent d’aller plus vite. Il faut que les idées s’additionnent, que les rencontres inspirent, que les choses se fassent.

Let's take the time to look at the development of your company or project from another angle. In Jason Fried's new book, he takes a different look at business and project creation, with the human dimension of the project at the centre.

"The idea put forward here that good intentions must be realized through specific actions in the here and now.

Through this assertion, as many digital leaders across the Atlantic do, Fried urges us to do so here and now. And reminds us that what isdifficult in management and leadership is not the idea or the concept but the implementation here and now. »

Read more : A summary to discover on thehypertextual.com


 » Later is where good intentions go to die « 


We build and accompany the implementations. What are your next projects?

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