+33 (0)6 10 23 29 14

Training &

Do you wish to progress and/or advance your teams (managers and employees) so that development and innovation are practiced on a daily basis in your company?

Valuans and its expert partners train you to install new know-how, while ensuring that the fundamentals are perfectly mastered.

We design face-to-face, blended learning training systems to allow for an increase in competence and immediate implementation.

Organisme de formation enregistré sous le n° 24 45 03216 45 auprès du Préfet de la Région Centre Val de Loire
Visualiser notre certificat Qualiopi : datadock


Indicateurs de résultats issus de l'analyse des enquêtes de satisfaction réalisées auprès des personnes formées (mise à jour mars 2022)


Impact de la formation


Satisfaction générale



La formation est concrète et directement applicable. elle a été sur mesure et donc totalement adaptée et a permis de répondre à une lacune identifiée lors de l'élaboration de mon projet de création d'entreprise. le formateur s'est adapté à mes besoins et à ma vitesse de compréhension.


Valuans has brought together within its team of experts real business practitioners, consultants, teachers and trainers.
Each of the training courses we design includes an operational dimension inspired by our practice.
Based on the essentials of theory as well as on models, work on each point allows us to transpose what theory can bring to practice.

Training sessions built to help you do.

Discover and integrate the notions that allow you to transpose the theory to your business practice.
Workshop approaches are favoured because the time spent in practice allows each participant to find the tools or approaches he or she will need to develop his or her profession or way of doing things.

Inspiring trainings, seminars to imagine new solutions or action-training, workshops to improve your practice... Our goal is to provide each content with the level of intensity or complexity you wish to achieve.

In order to guarantee you a professional, pedagogical and mobilizing approach, Valuans is taking part of a quality approach.

The objective is that each training time is a memorable opportunity for exchange, practice and learning.

In order to guarantee you a professional, pedagogical and mobilizing approach, Valuans is taking part of a quality approach.

The objective is that each training time is a memorable opportunity for exchange, practice and learning.
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Témoignage client

La formation est concrète et directement applicable. elle a été sur mesure et donc totalement adaptée et a permis de répondre à une lacune identifiée lors de l'élaboration de mon projet de création d'entreprise. le formateur s'est adapté à mes besoins et à ma vitesse de compréhension.

Discover and integrate the notions that allow you to transpose the theory to your business practice.
Workshop approaches are favoured because the time spent in practice allows each participant to find the tools or approaches he or she will need to develop his or her profession or way of doing things.

Turning ideas into action: projects, entrepreneurship, business modules?

Gain in marketing efficiency, understand your market and customers: positioning, marketing plan, market watch, new offers...

Increasing sales performance, selling and making people buy: basis of argumentation, selling to key accounts, negotiation techniques...

... and also Develop the skills of the teams in project management, commercial communication, Be inspired by innovative methods and know how to apply them: Lean Startup, Design Thinking, Desing Sprint...

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With our marketing and business modules, discover the keys that turn ideas into projects and improve your company's performance. We support project teams with training that helps to do better and to better manage. Do you want to explore new methodologies? Take advantage of "concentrated" training courses in order to adapt and gradually apply them to your context.

Develop your team skills

Knowing how to sell your ideas, pitching techniques

Improve your project management skills

Building a change management plan

... and also: The practice of transverse management, The benefits of Prince2© project methodologies, Entrepreneurship for intrapreneurs ...

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Practicle Strategy

Introduce into your daily life and that of your employees the methods that allow you to be more visible in your market and differentiate yourself from the competition.
Programs and educational sheets on request: formation@valuans.com

Drawing inspiration from innovative methods and knowing how to apply them

Doing business differently : Lean startup in action

Understanding and innovating: Design thinking in action

Out-of-the-box thinking : Lateral Thinking in Action

... and also: Putting the customer at the center: Service Design in action, Building a project in 5 days: Design Sprint in action

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Gaining Efficiency: Agile Methods in Action

We have used our experience as managers to build modules, practical cases and exercises to set in motion, raise awareness and support the agility of teams. <Our commitment is to support our employees by giving them the means to actively participate in the development of the company. Programs and educational sheets are available on request: formation@valuans.com.

Contact us

Les formations proposées par Valuans sont accessibles aux personnes en situation de handicap. Au moment de votre inscription, prenez contact avec notre référent handicap par téléphone ou mail referenthandicap(@)valuans.com, afin d'organiser les aménagements nécessaires au bon déroulement de votre formation.

Ideas, goals, priorities, stakes, we are at your disposal to discuss :
+33 (0)6 10 23 29 14formation@valuans.com

7 rue Ladureau 45000 Orléans – France

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